In a show of firmness and discontent, citizens of Táchira state took to the streets and squares, demanding that Colombian President Gustavo Petro take a clear position on the recent presidential election in Venezuela. The protesters, who claim to have proof of Edmundo González’s victory, carried printed electoral records as a symbol of their struggle.
What the protesters are demanding from Gustavo Petro
The rally in San Cristobal, one of the emblematic squares for the oppositionwas the epicenter of the protest. The attendees called on President Gustavo Petro to take a clear position regarding the electoral situation in Venezuela. Hector Prato, one of those present, said: “Petro is turning a deaf ear. What is happening? A real left with a conscience does not tolerate such trickery. You won with 3% in Cibeles; Lula, with 1.8%, and we, with 37% and 40%, will not accept it.”
Eli Pacheco, one of the protesters, emphasized: “We can guarantee that our votes are valid everywhere in the world. I think we will impose a global standard so that everyone knows that the vote can be defended.”.
Pacheco and other participants see the current situation as comparable to the historic defence of independence, and are determined to protect the election result.
Nereida Contreras, another protester, said: “We have the true records with which we want to motivate peace. We have to show that we have the weapons with which Edmundo González is our president.”Contreras stressed the importance of the minutes as key evidence of González’s victory.
Sara Garcia, another protester, also commented: “To confirm that Edmundo González won at all the polling stations.” Garcia, along with others, insisted that the electoral records show the true result of the election.
Those attending the rally stressed their rejection of violence. Although they call for peace, they assure that they will not allow Edmundo González’s electoral victory to be snatched away or stolen. The demonstration reflected a strong sense of determination and unity in the defence of the vote and the electoral result in Venezuela.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/manifestantes-piden-a-petro-postura-clara-ante-elecciones-en-venezuela-se-hace-el-sordo-rg10