O The United States government expressed, this Monday, “concerned” about the visit of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, to North Korea, hours after the trip was announced.

“We are not worried about the visit. We are worried about deepening ties between the two countries”detailed White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.

The official explained that the situation was ‘a double-edged sword’, and that the White House’s concerns related not only to an existing conflict, but to another.

“Not only because of the impact it will have on the Ukrainian people, as we know that North Korean ballistic missiles are being used to target Ukrainian troops, but also because there may be some reciprocity that could affect the security of the Korean peninsula,” he said. , cited by the France-Presse agency.

Putin’s visit begins on Tuesday, will last two days, and is held at the invitation of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The two countries, which are subject to heavy international sanctions, have considerably strengthened ties since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine in February 2022.

The trip to North Korea comes nine months after Putin welcomed Kim to the Russian Far East.

Read Also: Putin visits North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2581732/putin-na-coreia-do-norte-eua-preocupados-mas-nao-apenas-com-kyiv

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