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For the second year in a row, Gilles Pudlowski organized the Pudlo des Bistrots Trophy competition. The goal of the food critic? Celebrate French gastronomy by rewarding the many Parisian restaurateurs. And during this 2023 edition, a famous establishment in the 5th arrondissement of the capital was crowned.

Open since 1946, the brasserie Au Moulin À Vent, nestled in the heart of rue des Fossés Saint-Bernard in Paris, has become a monument of bistro cuisine over the decades. Gilles Pudlowski wanted to reward the establishment according to different criteria. “The atmosphere, the way of welcoming, the value for money, the quality of what we eat and its charm” allowed him to win all the votes from the jury. The place where we are is an empirical masterpiece, magnificent. It always makes us think of this restaurant Chez Mich’, where Jean Gabin meets Lino Ventura with the low ceiling, the boss with character…”explained the journalist on the microphone BFM Paris Île-de-France.

In addition to the old-fashioned decoration, Gilles Pudlowski appreciated the dishes offered by the Au Moulin À Vent restaurant.“Pig carpaccio, egg mayo, beef bourguignon, etc… They have made something popular, at the same time chic with these beautiful tablecloths that we see, these copper hooks, this magnificent counter… It’s really the archetype of the bistro as we like it”, he observed. Before adding: “There were 200,000 bistros throughout France in the 1900s, there are only 40,000 today”. Hence the importance of putting the spotlight on these establishments which are a heritage of French gastronomy.


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