The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the largest opposition coalition in Venezuela, registered this Friday, July 26, 2024, Less than 1% of incidents in the installation of voting tables for the presidential elections next Sunday, so he asked citizens not to be alarmed because -he said- the will of the people can be expressed in elections.

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“There were less than 1% of incidents at these tables. What does this mean? I repeat, that nothing else happened because our witnesses were there and because they know how to defend their rights, “These are the political rights of all Venezuelans and they are going to do the same thing on Sunday,” said opposition member Delsa Solórzano at a press conference.

In light of this record, the former deputy asked the population Don’t panic and “vote en masse” on Sunday, because the “will of the people” will be expressed at the polls.

Solórzano said that, although these events are not justified, he insisted that the percentage is “quite low” thanks to the work of the accredited voting witnesses.

“The type of incident was the same, but for us to be able to talk about a pattern there has to be a very high percentage of incidents to be able to say that it was a pattern that significantly affected the number of tables installed,” he said.

Installation of voting tables in Venezuela

This Friday, the National Electoral Council (CNE) has installed the voting tables that will be used in the presidential elections, while complaints circulated on social media from witnesses and accredited operators who – they claimed – were prevented from participating in the machine configuration process.

The president of the Political Participation and Financing Commission of the CNE, Aime Nogal, indicated in X that around 12:00 local time there was a registration the installation of 90.25% of the 30,026 polling stations across the country.

The rector did not comment on the complaints that circulated on social media, some with videos and photographs, showing voting centers guarded by the military – as required by law -, which They did not allow the entry of witnesses, a network of volunteers accredited by the CNE and who represent political parties in the process.

As can be seen in the videos, these vetoes are against people who claim to be representatives of the PUD, who previously had already denounced “obstacles” from the CNE to accredit his witnesses, something that was later corrected.

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