The robbery of the Gol Caracol team is one more example that insecurity can occur anywhere in the world. It happened while colleagues were working in South Florida.

One of the vehicles in which part of the Gol Caracol team was transported in southern Florida was left with broken windows. The robbery took place in a commercial area of ​​Coral Gables while the journalists were recording commercials for the Copa América in Miami.

“We were full of technical things, I never leave my wallet or passports behind. It is in those moments that things happen. They also stole the other large truck where the lights and part of the technical equipment were located,” lamented Ricardo Orrego, presenter of Gol Caracol.

With an agenda full of work, without identity documents and without some of the technical elements that were stolen, the next thing was to report the incident to the authorities and process an emergency passport at the Colombian consulate in Miami.

“An incredible impact, because one would think that this is the United States, but hey, it also happens in the United States. When this happens and you come to do paperwork at the consulate, you find entire families, they are tickling in the shopping centers,” Ricardo Orrego added.

What should a Colombian do if their passport is lost in the United States?

“No phone or anything like that, go to the nearest consulate. That is the most important thing, it is resolved here. For example, in the case of Ricardo Orrego it was possible to obtain an emergency passport that allows him to continue with his work and, when he arrives in Bogotá, to process a passport where he can get his visa stamped,” explained Édgar Monroy, consul in charge. from Colombia in Miami.

If the person who loses the documents was on a tourism plan, what the consulate issues is an exempt passport for imminent return to the country.

“The only thing you have to do is write a letter and we here will look for the documents or whatever to be able to solve the problem, there is no problem with that”Monroy added.

This type of passport costs 123 dollars, about 482,000 Colombian pesos. According to the consul in charge, in Miami it takes just 15 minutes to be issued.


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