“PI promised that I would drop out of the race if I became an obstacle”said the former Democrat, nephew of President John F. Kennedy. “I no longer believe I have a path to victory”he stressed.
The candidate explained that he will only withdraw his name from ten critical states, such as Pennsylvania and Arizona, to avoid benefiting Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.
In other states, voters will be able to vote for him, even though campaign activities are ending now.
“Our polls showed that if I held on to the critical states, I would be handing the election to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on the most existential issues,” he said. RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party in October 2023 and ran as an independent.
Now, he said, he is in close cooperation with Donald Trump, of whom he was previously a “fierce critic.” Kennedy and Trump began negotiating in July after the Republican’s assassination attempt, and there is a possibility that Kennedy could serve in a future Trump administration.
The areas where they agree, he said, are free speech, the war in Ukraine, border security and child protection. Kamala Harris’s campaign has declined to have similar discussions with the candidate.
Kennedy Jr. accused Democrats of wanting war in Ukraine to strengthen the military industrial complex and that only with Donald Trump will it be possible to end the war, because he will reopen talks with Vladimir Putin.
The independent also said he wants to save “millions of children” who suffer from chronic illnesses due to the “corruption” of government agencies, which in a future Trump administration he will fill with doctors who are not dependent on big pharmaceutical companies.
“We’re going to bring healthy food back to school lunches,” he promised, also saying they would end subsidies for unhealthy foods.
Kennedy Jr. accused Kamala Harris of not wanting to end this problem, the chronic disease crisis, and that is one of the reasons he supports Trump.
“This decision is agonizing for me”he said, considering that joining Trump’s campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for his wife and children.
“We are going to make Americans healthy again,” he said. “If President Trump is elected and keeps his word, the problem of chronic disease will disappear.”
Kennedy’s family has denounced his campaign and criticized the conspiracy theories he advocates, for example regarding vaccines, placing the weight of the family name behind the Democrats.
[Notícia atualizada às 20h52]
Read Also: Kennedy Jr. created crime scene after finding dead bear. “He wanted to skin it”
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2620193/robert-f-kennedy-jr-desiste-da-corrida-a-casa-branca-e-apoia-trump