A rolling orchestra has stolen the show in the streets of several countries, each of its members must be very rhythmic, not only following a score, but trying not to fall from a giant bicycle that sets the pace.

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If what you are looking for is music and fun, What better than the Big Bike Orchestra to fulfill your wishes?

The beginnings of the band date back to 2020 in Poland, where a group of musician friends received the craziest proposal of their lives: play their instruments to the beat of a steel horse designed exclusively to get the entire orchestra rolling with harmony, humor and, of course, a lot of balance.

Its six members achieved fame with 200 concerts in 12 countries and more than 100,000 kilometers traveled speak for them. That’s not counting the more than 100 million views that his videos accumulate on social networks.

But not everything has been beach, breeze and sea for these musicians who have found some cracks in the staff, like potholes or holes in their routes.

This band is missing half the world to infect with his musical pedaling.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/una-orquesta-rodante-que-sorprende-con-su-talento-en-el-mundo-rg10

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