“NRegarding the issue of the hypothetical return of US tactical nuclear weapons to the territory of the United Kingdom, I would like to warn them in the clearest and strongest terms possible against such a destabilizing step,” said Sergei Riabkov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Russian, cited by the state news agency TASS.

The Russian representative stressed that “neither the security of the United Kingdom nor that of the United States will be strengthened by this measure.”

Riabkov denied that there is “any kind of intimidation effect” towards Russia, but considered that such a measure would “increase the general level of escalation and threats in Europe”.

“The potential [nuclear] of the United Kingdom is on an upward trend. We assume that, despite the rather sad experience of recent years in London and Washington, from the point of view of ensuring European security, the greatest defenders [dessa estratégia] did not learn any lessons from that, so this scenario [utilização de armas nucleares táticas] It’s entirely possible,” he added.

The British newspaper Daily Telegraph reported over the weekend that the US is planning to install nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom for the first time in 15 years, due to the threat from Russia.

Documents from the Pentagon (North American Department of Defense) to which the British newspaper had access indicate that the USA intends to place nuclear bombs three times more powerful than those used in Hiroshima (Japan) during the Second World War at the Lakenheath air base, in Suffolk, in the east of the United Kingdom.

Washington removed all nuclear weapons on British soil in 2008, considering that the danger of the Cold War had passed.

The newspaper added that construction work on a new residence for US troops will begin in June.

In 2023, Russia installed tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, a neighboring country and the main ally in the Russian military campaign in Ukraine, which began in February 2022, as a deterrent against the advance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to the east. .

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2491495/russia-adverte-eua-contra-instalacao-de-armas-nucleares-no-reino-unido

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