This September 25, 2024, The Dutch magazine Privé published some private photographs of the emeritus king Juan Carlos I with the actress Bárbara Rey. The woman announced that she will take legal action against the person who distributed the images, which “belong to her privacy.”

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Where did the photos of Juan Carlos I and Bárbara Rey come from?

The photos leaked by the actress’s son, Ángel Cristo Jr., who claims in an interview that It was he who took the snapshots secretly when he was 13 years old, in 1994, at his mother’s request.

The photographs show the emeritus and Bárbara Rey on a terrace, while they exchange kisses and hugs.

According to Privé, who belongs to the newspaper De Telegraaf,The actress’s son “shows how his mother used her relationship with the former monarch to stabilise her financial situation” and “used compromising photos to blackmail the king and obtain financial help.”

Angel Cristo Jr. claims to have taken the snapshots himself when he was about 13 years old, on a day when he “did not go to school to take the photographs,” at the request of his own mother, and stressed that That was the only time he saw the then King of Spain “in person” and at the artist’s home.

He explained that the photos were taken on June 22, 1994, and that he and his mother had bought the camera a few days earlier for about “100,000 pesetas (about 600 euros), and that they had previously done several practice sessions with different lenses.”

In a first reaction, Bárbara Rey told Vanitatis that she will take legal action against her son for publishing these photographs without her consent.These photos are mine, they belong to my privacy and my son has taken them without my permission.“, he said.

The publication of these photographs comes a day after the French gossip magazine ‘Point de Vue’ reported that King Juan Carlos I has finished a 500-page memoir, so that his own story is not stolen from him, and which will be published in France in early 2025 by the publishing house Stock.

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