Macron referred to the controversy sparked three days ago, when, at the end of a summit in Paris on Ukraine, he stated that it could not be ruled out that NATO countries would send troops to Ukraine, a hypothesis that practically all allied governments quickly distanced themselves, with the exception of the Baltic countries.

The French President, who was present today at the inauguration of the Olympic village, admitted that it was not the ideal place to make “geopolitical assessments”, but hinted that he maintains his statements about Ukraine, according to the France Info television channel.

The echoes of these words also reached Moscow, with Russian President Vladimir Putin warning today that there is a real threat of nuclear war if the conflict in Ukraine escalates.

“There has been talk about the possibility of sending NATO military contingents [Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte] to Ukraine. Let us remember the fate of those who sent contingents against our country,” he said.

“Now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic,” Putin assured.

The senior advisor to the Ukrainian presidency, Mikhailo Podoliak, also commented on Macron’s statements, saying he “welcomes” any proposal to improve Western aid to Kiev.

“The leaders of several European countries suggest (…) introducing new variables and outlining what can be done. And that is excellent,” he said.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had already stated on Wednesday that he would like Macron to explain his statements to him in more detail at the next meeting they plan to hold.

Read Also: After all, will NATO send troops to Ukraine or not? Everything that was said


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