Seven young university students drowned in an apparent car accident in the eastern Mexican state of Veracruz, local authorities reported Sunday.

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The events occurred on the night of Saturday, July 13, in the port of Coatzacoalcos, located south of Veracruz, where The boys celebrated the end of school years at a private dock in that region.

Early research indicates that The Chevrolet Suburban vehicle, where the young people between 21 and 22 years of age were, fell into the river Calzadas, a tributary of the powerful Coatzacoalcos River.

Elements of different corporations carried out the rescue tasks of the unit and the fatal victims; while Ministry authorities are investigating the probable causes of the alleged accident in Mexico.

Over the past two weeks, the state of Veracruz has suffered heavy rains that have caused major rivers to rise and have affected around fifty municipalities.

The main rivers have exceeded their maximum levels and overflowed in rural and urban communities, resulting in the drowning of six people, including four police officers who were carrying out rescue work.

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