Macarena Undarraga, mother of a student at the Cervantes Basic School in Santiago, Chile, reported that Her son was the victim of a shocking case of bullying that ended up leaving him with serious physical injuries.
In dialogue with BioBioChilethe woman explained that The events occurred on October 14, 2024, when, according to her, her 10-year-old son suffered serious injuries after some classmates pushed him against a metal structure that was in the school yard.
(Also read: They report that a 13-year-old boy was almost impaled by classmates in Manizales)
Although the establishment classified the event as a “school accident” that occurred when the students were playing with a ball and the victim suffered a cut on the right buttock, the minor’s mother was emphatic that she considered that this had been a result of the bullying to which his son was exposed for a time.
“They bullied him for wearing glasses, for his ASD condition (autism spectrum disorder), they bullied him during recess, and also in other older grades. “Obviously, it was due to bullying,” Macarena commented to the Chilean news agency.
The complainant has already carried out the respective procedure with the Police for the crime of very serious injuries and the investigation was referred to the Prosecutor’s Office. Meanwhile, she says she knows the attackers.
“One did this to my son and the other laughed as he bled to death. They are both Venezuelans”, he expressed.
10-YEAR-OLD CHILEAN BOY IMPALED by 2 16-year-old VENEZUELAN classmates at school @Muni_Stgo
They have covered up both the mayor’s office and the school since it happened on October 14.
The butchers are still there only with a sanction#SantiagoAgoniza@T13 pic.twitter.com/qhoechJ1k6— SantiagoSeLevanta (@STGOSeLevanta) December 4, 2024
What happened to the minor?
According to the news network of that country, the minor’s medical reports indicate that he suffered “Complex recto-urethral wound due to impalement.” The student remains hospitalized in the Pediatric Urology unit of the San Borja Hospital and the treatment he must undergo includes a reconstructive bladder surgery and another to restore his intestinal transit.
The minors accused of harming the student with autism spectrum disorder were taken to the Children’s Office of the Santiago commune, where they received specialized support. Faced with the harassment situations that the complainant exposed, the city authorities said that these were managed at the time.
“The available reports indicate that these episodes would not be linked to the incident in question and that there was no intentionality in the events that caused the injuries,” they said.
Municipality spoke
Through a statement issued on December 4, 2024 by the Directorate of Communications of Santiago, the municipality expressed that both the educational community of the Cervantes Basic School and the Directorate of Municipal Education of Santiago (DEM) were “shocked” by the events that left serious injuries in one of the students.
“Through its municipal units and the psychosocial team, support has been provided to the affected student and his family to address the physical, emotional and social consequences of the recovery process,” highlighted the local authorities, who said that the Superintendence of Education is addressing the case and the school is strengthening its safety protocols.
Likewise, they used the statement to express their rejection of the hate speech and threats that the educational community involved in the case has received. The Children’s Ombudsman’s Office stated that they will request all the school’s records to determine the corresponding administrative responsibilities.
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/escabroso-caso-de-bullying-madre-denuncia-que-su-hijo-autista-fue-maltratado-por-unos-companeros-rg10