A shooting has left four injured in the town of Hagen (western Germany) and the alleged attacker has fledas reported this Saturday, June 1, by the North Rhine-Westphalia police.

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“According to the first information, the background of the events could be found in the family environment. We continue to clarify the circumstances,” the institution added through its social networks.

The police also asked “not to spread speculation or rumors on social networks” but to wait for official information to be communicated.

According to the tabloid ‘Bild’, the Police are searching for the alleged aggressor throughout the town, where a rescue helicopter has landed to treat the injured.

Last Friday, May 31, An attacker stabbed six anti-Islam militants and a police officer who came to their defense in Mannheim’s market squarealso in western Germany, where they were holding an event.

The aggressor is hospitalized and has not yet been able to give a statement, but an Islamist motivation is assumed.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/tiroteo-en-hagen-alemania-deja-cuatro-heridos-agresor-se-dio-a-la-fuga-cb20

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