Given the censorship of traditional media such as radio and television, which are prohibited from broadcasting messages from María Corina Machado, Venezuela’s opposition uses social networks to bring its message to the population.

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President Nicolás Maduro is also going to these channels to seek his re-election.

See Maduro telling jokes on TikTok, billboards on the highways with messages against the opposition and videos on Instagram or podcasts on YouTube They are the focus of the government’s electoral campaign to achieve a third term in office for Nicolás Maduro.

“If you want to have a tough president, come here so we can open the tap. Look, let’s open the water tap for the people,” says Maduro in one of his videos.

NonethelessMaría Corina Machado, who is leading the electoral campaign in favor of her replacement, Edmundo González, uses social networks such as Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp to carry their message and thus spread their campaign events. This is due to censorship that prohibits broadcasting them on national radio or television.

Edmundo González, who until recently was unknown, already has about 10 videos on Instagram and His first message has almost three million views.

“We cannot continue living for 25 more years with a government as disastrous as this one,” says González.

70% of Venezuelans use social networks to obtain information, according to the polling firm More Consulting.

The political scientist Pablo Quintero assures that “Through traditional media, the course of the opposition sector’s campaign is not correctly reported.”

The main social network used by Venezuelans is WhatsApp, followed by Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X and YouTube.

Benjamín Rausseo, another candidate for the Presidency of Venezuela, also has more than two million followers on Instagram and It is emerging as the third option of Venezuelans, according to opinion polls in the country.

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