Sand Cristina Valido supports Sánchez, the socialist will no longer need votes in favor of all Catalan independence parties to be reinvested as prime minister by parliament.

In this scenario, there could be seven abstentions and Sánchez’s candidacy would still be successful.

The Catalan independence parties, which are those making the greatest demands on the socialists to make a new left-wing government viable in Spain, have precisely seven deputies each.

If the Canarian Coalition (CC) deputy voted in favor of Sánchez, the socialist would no longer necessarily have to negotiate a vote in favor of the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC, which is in the regional government) and also Together for Catalonia (JxCat, of the former president of the regional executive Carles Puigdemont).

However, the two Catalan parties make the same demands of Sánchez: an amnesty for those involved in Catalonia’s 2017 independence attempt and negotiations to set the conditions for a referendum on the region’s self-determination.

The CC’s sole deputy, Cristina Valido, said today that there are currently no contacts or negotiations with the socialist party (PSOE) regarding Sánchez’s investiture, but stated that there is availability to speak and analyze proposals.

The party will position itself and decide “in view of the scenario” that the PSOE poses, said Cristina Valido, admitting that the CC could even reconsider previous positions against amnesty or against the entry of the extreme left into the Government, through the Somar platform , as happened in the last legislature.

Cristina Valido admitted this hypothesis in the event that the PSOE committed to the demands of the CC for the islands, the “Canary agenda”, to which the leader of the Popular Party (PP, right), Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who was the first to try to be appointed President of the Government, following the elections on July 23, but was ‘failed’ by parliament last week.

“We are here to solve the problems of the Canaries and this is the first objective with which the Canaries vote for us”, said Cristina Valido today.

“When the PSOE tells us clearly what it wants to do, the agenda will be accepted [canária] in full and transfers what it owes us, my party will have to decide if it is enough and what the priority is. We are here to solve the canaries’ problems”, he reiterated.

The CC leads the regional government of the Canary Islands and has a deputy in the Spanish national parliament.

Following the rejection, by deputies, of Feijóo’s candidacy for prime minister, last week, the King of Spain today began a new round of contacts with the parties to propose a new candidate.

The CC deputy was heard today and made these statements to journalists after the meeting with the King.

The Union of the Navarro People (UPN, one deputy), which confirmed its opposition to Sánchez, and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV, in its Spanish acronym, five deputies), which did not make statements at the exit, have also been heard.

Last week, PNV leader Aitor Esteban, who voted against Feijóo and admits supporting Sánchez, said that in relation to the socialist’s investiture everything is still “very open” and did not rule out a repeat of the elections.

King Felipe VI will hear from the left and far-left platform Somar and the far-right party VOX today.

The round of contacts ends on Tuesday, with the hearing of Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Four independence parties from Galicia, the Basque Country and Catalonia refuse to meet the King because they do not recognize his legitimacy as head of state.

Read Also: Feijóo fails investiture again. King will nominate new candidate

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