This recipe can be made in the conventional oven or in the microwave. It’s a very tasty apple dessert!
- 3 sour apples
- 3 slices of mashed ricotta
- 3 teaspoons of raisins
- Crushed Brazil nuts to taste
- Sweetener to taste
- Icing sugar (optional)
Preparation Mode
- Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
- Cut the apples into 2/3 of their height and reserve the lid.
- Remove the core and seeds and gently remove some of the pulp.
- Mix the removed pulp, ricotta, raisins, chestnuts and sweetener.
- Stuff the apples and cover.
- Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
- Remove and serve sprinkled with icing sugar.
Mom Tips
If you prefer to make the apples in the microwave, do not remove the lid from the apples and cut them in half. Microwave for approximately 4 to 6 minutes on high power.
Yield whole apples: 3 servings.
Microwave apples yield: 6 servings.
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/maca-recheada/