O President of the United States, Joe Biden, considered that the country is currently experiencing, a “tense moment”following the assassination attempt on Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump on Saturday.

“Our politics have become very heated… We all have a responsibility to lower the temperature and condemn violence in any form.“Biden said during the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) National Convention in Las Vegas.

In the same speech, the US president described the level of armed violence in the United States as “sickening”, recalling that an AR-15 rifle was used in the attempted assassination of Trump, “which killed so many others, including children”.

“It’s time to ban them. I did it once and I’ll do it again.”he promised.

It is recalled that, on Saturday, a 20-year-old man shot Donald Trump during a rally in the state of Pennsylvania, hitting him in the ear.

Read Also: Democrats Want to Confirm Biden as Nominee Before End of July

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2599461/momento-tenso-biden-diz-que-e-hora-de-proibir-a-ar-15

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