A teenager was found shot to death inside a burned-out car with a garbage bag covering his face. This incident occurred in Marseille, in the south of France. According to the prosecution, This is a fact related to the sale of drugs.

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The victim was described as a 17-year-old boy involved in drug trafficking, the Marseille prosecutor’s office told AFP.

Marseille, France’s second-largest city but also one of its poorest, is plagued by drug-related violence.

Firefighters arrived at the scene of the fire and after putting out the fire they discovered a lifeless body in the trunk of the vehicle.

How was the teenager found?

He had a bullet wound in his head, He was tied at the knees and ankles and had his face covered with a garbage bag. A murder investigation has been launched.

The victim is the second minor to be killed this year in France’s second-largest city. In early May, a 17-year-old boy was shot dead in a residential area.

And last week, a 19-year-old man was shot dead in the north of the city.

A total of 49 people died from drug-related violence in Marseille in 2023, compared to nine so far this year.

Starting on July 26, France is preparing to host the Olympic Games in Paris, with some of the events to be held in Marseille.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/cadaver-de-un-adolescente-fue-encontrado-en-la-cajuela-de-un-carro-incinerado-cb20

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