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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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Are you lacking ideas for making good desserts? Cyril Lignac comes to your rescue and reveals his favorite recipe for a “crunchy and melting dessert that completes the meal”. “The aptly named crème brûlée”suggests the chef. With its caramelized crust that breaks under the spoon and its delicately perfumed heart, the vanilla crème brûlée offers a perfect harmony of flavors and textures. And for even more indulgence, Mercotte’s sidekick in Le Meilleur Pâtissier adds a touch of tonka bean. Want to try it? This timeless dessert is sure to delight all your guests. Plus, thanks to the chef’s tips, it becomes accessible to everyone, even the least experienced cooks. So, take advantage of each of the culinary expert’s tips to prepare this vanilla and tonka bean crème brûlée and enjoy yourself.


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