O Former Argentine President Alberto Fernández was charged on Wednesday with causing injuries to his ex-wife, making threats and abusing his power. The case has been the subject of much media attention after former First Lady Fabiola Yañez denounced her former partner earlier this month.

The former Argentine head of state has denied the crime several times and even had his passport expired.

The formal accusation comes after the attorney general’s office heard the former first lady, testimony that made the accusations gain even greater weight.

According to reports in the Argentine press, Alberto Fernández, 65, was initially investigated for minor assaults, but now he is also being investigated for abuse of power, as well as more serious injuries and threats.

After sharing photographs taken after attacks, Fabiola Yañez assured that she had been the victim of daily episodes of reproductive, institutional, verbal, physical and domestic violence, in addition to constant betrayal.

According to the press, in a hearing that took place on Tuesday, the woman, aged 43, confessed that she was forced by her husband to have an abortion.

The attacks allegedly took place over a period of eight years and the Argentine Public Prosecutor’s Office authorized four other people to be heard as witnesses in the case, including a former secretary of Fernández and a doctor.

From “obsession” to abortion

Fabiola Yañez said that Alberto Fernández “‘pushed’ her to have an abortion” because “he was not ready” to be a father.

The woman said that the situations that had been occurring over time already demonstrated some “obsession”, and gave an example by saying that she had to “always pay attention to the calls” he made to her. According to her, the situation reached the point where she “couldn’t interact with others and have a normal life” or “go out with friends”; since she had to answer “every three minutes”.

“If I went out it was because I was cheating on him. The unusual thing about it was that, while I stayed at home with a friend, he went out to be with other women; which I discovered at the end,” she said.

Fabiola said that she had already talked about having children, and that the moment she became pregnant arrived, as well as the period in which “Alberto Fernández’s contempt and rejection towards the unborn child appeared”.

“He started attacking me and saying it was too soon. He was saying to me, ‘I can’t tell anyone that I’m going to have a child with you in such a short time’ and ‘we need to sort this out’. You need to have an abortion. It was such a perversion that he told his son [de um casamento anterior] that I was pregnant and then blamed myself for the abortion,” she recalled.

The woman also says that suffering from reproductive violence through “abandonment, contempt and accusations” left her vulnerable and led her “to make the terrible decision to abort my child, thus causing me serious psychological and emotional damage to this day”.

When the case was reported, photographs of the marks left by the attacks also appeared, as well as messages.

The going… and the return

According to her testimony, she even went to London, in the United Kingdom, but returned to the former president, who promised to start a family with her. “However, as in the beginning, the constant harassment and persecution returned. At the same time, I received messages from many women who told me they had an intimate history with him, which he denied. One of these people is the one who managed his communications,” she points out.

Fabiola says she later sought medical help and began taking medication. Fabiola became pregnant and had a child with the former president in 2022, but according to what she says, the episodes of violence continued.

“I couldn’t take it anymore. I insisted that I wanted to leave. I put up with the physical abuse. Even towards the end of my pregnancy, he used to push me a lot. If I sat down holding my head or my belly because I couldn’t take the abuse, he would scream in my face,” she recalls.

As his presidential term drew to a close, Alberto Fernández became “more nervous,” he said. “At night, he would yell and slap me so hard that my face would burn. I would walk to the guest house (the house next to the official residence) and hear the yelling. On the third or fourth day in a row that he hit me, I moved into the guest house with my son and brought my mother. I was afraid of him. He would bang on the door and yell. I had no peace,” he said.

Fabiola describes the situation as “psychological terrorism”.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2615633/as-fotos-o-aborto-e-as-agressoes-ex-pr-argentino-acusado-por-ex-mulher

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