A recent survey stated that people who adhere to the Mediterranean diet have greater hope and quality of life when compared to other Europeans who do not follow the diet. But, after all, what is the Mediterranean diet and where did it come from?

In reality, the Mediterranean diet is much more than a simple diet, but it is a lifestyle that includes eating habits, living habits and much more.

And where does the diet come from? The diet was created in countries covered by the Mediterranean diet, even considering that habits may be different depending on the dogmas and beliefs of each country. But, in general, the diet was so accepted around the world because of the death rates from cancer or heart disease in these countries, which are much lower when we consider the world average.

The main secret

A study carried out by British scientists discovered the secret of why the diet is so healthy: the combination of leafy vegetable or green salad with olive oil is the main reason why the diet is so well accepted.

One of them, rich in unsaturated fats, and the other, which is rich in nitrate, are responsible for the formation of fatty acids, which are essential for lowering blood pressure, greatly reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other complications such as hypertension.

Among the components that can make a difference along with green leaves and olive oil, we can highlight fresh fruits, nuts, fish or chicken, lots of vegetables, fiber and other cereals.

For scientists, the study was based on the fact that it was not yet known what made the diet so, so healthy, until green leaves with olive oil were positively debunked.

Want to start your own Mediterranean diet? Here are some tips:

In the foreground, always remember the combination of oil or olive oil with the green leaves. To complement, don’t forget to add almonds, walnuts and avocado.

Part of the diet states that it is essential to consume at least five different portions of vegetables and/or fruits per day. Furthermore, fish should also be part of the diet twice a week, so that the body can absorb the main substance in fish: omega 3.

Of course, physical activity would not be left out either: for the Mediterranean diet to be fully adopted, practicing physical exercise for at least 30 minutes, at least three times a week is also ideal and is part of the diet so that the results both healthy and physical begin to appear. Rest is also part of the Mediterranean diet, and to finish the teachings, you should also have at least one day of peace with your friends and family.

To avoid harming your diet, the ideal is that you don’t smoke, don’t eat too much and don’t overdo the amounts of salt and alcohol. Furthermore, not driving at high speed is also not suitable.

Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/o-segredo-da-dieta-mediterranea/

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