Acquiring the nationality of a European country may be the great aspiration of hundreds of Colombians, since living and working in these territories, they say, can improve the quality of life of families and offer them better job opportunitieshousing and even educational.
The above has caused many people to constantly wonder what the necessary steps or alternatives may be to be able to carry out these procedures and obtain the long-awaited nationality. However, what few know is that some people with certain surnames can more easily obtain this international right.
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In the case of countries like Spain o Portugalthis is due to a historical precedent in the Iberian Peninsula when, towards the 15th and 16th centuries after Christ, the monarchical authorities of these countries ordered the expulsion of Sephardic Jews who did not have the will to convert to Christianity.
The above had the objective of preventing the Jews from distancing civilians from Christianity, considered the religion official of these places. For this reason, those Jewish families who lived in this part of Europa They had to travel to several countries in the world, including the American continent.
The Sephardim, despite these expulsions in the kingdoms now belonging to the countries of Spain and Portugal, were a fundamental part of the history and culture of these territories, which is why in recent years both countries have tried to repair this crude precedent of the past with the descendants of said communities.
In this way, both nations announced that those people who demonstrate these Sephardic ancestors – without having to have lived or even known these territories – will be able to obtain the nationality from both countries without having to renounce their nationalities.
While Spain’s decision was temporary and for the moment it has stopped receiving this type of requests, in Portugal the regulations to grant nationality to these descendants remain in force.
The announcement is very relevant for Colombians since, according to information cited by El Tiempo, in the past dozens of Sephardic families arrived in Colombian territory after this mass exodus, more especially to the department of Antioch.
Portuguese nationality for Colombians: process to obtain it with Sephardic heritage
The first thing to do to obtain this document is to officially demonstrate that you have an ancestor belonging to this community. For this, although the task is complex, a documentary review of the applicant’s ancestors is required, in which some law firms with experience on the subject.
However, and although the task is complicated, these same firms assure that some surnames are more likely to have these ancestors and, therefore, they can make an attempt to search for documentary evidence with a greater probability of success. It is not enough to just have the last nameit is also required to document this relationship.
Portuguese nationality for Colombians: surnames with the highest probability of obtaining it
According to the firm Martins Castro, another firm specializing in these processes, some of the surnames most likely to have Sephardic ancestors are the following:
- Ángel
- Arango
- Grove
- Arroyo
- Botero
- Good day
- Calle
- Caicedo
- Daza
- Diazgranados
- Jaramillo
- Llano
- Holguin
- Maya
- Mesa
- Londono
- Flycatcher
- Ochoa
- Bone
The procedure to obtain nationality can be long and cost a lot of money. However, with sufficient evidence and documents, applicants for this nationality can obtain said certification within a period of three years.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/los-apellidos-con-los-que-es-mas-probable-obtener-la-nacionalidad-portuguesa-siendo-colombiano-rg10