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If chickpea is very popular in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine, it seems that it has a little more difficulty finding a place in our daily diet. An absence which is a shame according to this gastroenterologist.

Inexpensive, easy to cook, chickpeas are still too often neglected. According to Dr. William Berrebi, gastroenterologist expert in the intestinal microbiota, 61% of adults between 18 and 54 years old never even consume it. It’s still one in three people. However, according to this specialist, this legume only presents advantages: firstly, contrary to popular belief, chickpea

is low in calories, only 125 kcal per 100 g and like all legumes, it provides a good satiety effect.

Chickpeas are also well supplied with fiber (6.2 g per 100 g), which is excellent for intestinal transit, and with plant proteins (6.6 g per 100 g), which is also good for replacing meat. . Finally, it also contains several essential minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. For Dr. Berrebi, there is no reason not to integrate it more into your diet to benefit from these benefits for the microbiome.

To help you integrate this legume into your plate, we have selected some healthy and easy-to-prepare recipe ideas. Rather than chips, opt for roasted chickpeas (or even in the air fryer) with spices or aromatic herbs. As a spread, there is the essentialhoumous which can be personalized by adding other vegetables such as beets or carrots. And to use chickpeas as a main dish, try le curry, very simple to prepare and very fragrant, or even simmered with other vegetables like this recipe with sweet and sour butternut and raisins.


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