Caitlin Simpson, 23, She is living a real nightmare after facing a series of serious medical problems that began with menstrual crampsShe claims that people close to her told her she was “too dramatic.”

The young Scottish woman experienced severe side effects after taking the morning-after pill along with the combined contraceptive pill in 2021.

The young woman who had colic ended up with a cyst

Doctors assured her that her symptoms were normal, but the situation became complicated when, When she returned to the doctor, she was diagnosed with a 1.2 cm cyst. in the left ovary.

The discovery of the cyst was alarming for her, who feared it was related to the use of the pills, according to information revealed by The Sun.

Despite being informed about the need for follow-up, The young woman was unable to get a medical appointment for two years. In 2023, severe pain led her to a new evaluation, where A much larger cyst was found, measuring 6 cm.

This cyst posed a significant risk, as it could have caused ovarian torsion, a life-threatening condition. Finally, in July of this year, doctors were forced to perform surgery to remove the affected ovary and fallopian tube.

“It was all very scary,” he said.

Caitlin regrets that if her symptoms had been given attention from the beginning, could have prevented the loss of her ovary and fallopian tube. The young woman is now dealing with the after-effects of a condition she says could have been caused by the combination of contraceptive methods.

“It was all very scary, I felt like I had been let down a lot over the last two years. I could have been monitored years ago. When I first called, my symptoms were dismissed as menstrual cramps and as if I was overreacting,” he told the aforementioned media.


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