Rayane Alves Porto and Rithiele Alves Porto, aged 25 and 28, were kidnapped, tortured and murdered on 18 September in Brazil. Authorities are considering three hypotheses regarding the crime of the young women, one of whom had recently entered politics.

“They were born in the circus”

An uncle of the sisters, quoted by the media TN, said that They had grown up in a circus, which their father and grandfather owned.

However, “the pandemic forced its closure. After this, they moved to stay with their paternal grandmother in Indiavaí and then, about 2 years ago, they moved to Porto Esperidião to be close to their maternal grandfather, in Glória D’Oeste, where they were buried,” he explained.

The eldest sister studied law and the youngest worked as a makeup artist. She combined this profession with politics.as he had recently run for council.

Both continued the family tradition and ran a circus, it has been reported.

How did they kill them?

Rayane and Rithiele had left a party with their brother and the boyfriend of one of them. The four were approached by men who kidnapped them.

Hours later, the partner of one of the sisters, who had signs of torture, managed to escape from his captors and went to the Brazilian police to report what had happened.

The officers arrived at the house where the young man said the three brothers were. They found his brother-in-law alive in a room, but he had had one ear and one finger mutilated, and had also suffered cuts on the back of his neck.

In another room they found hair and fingers of one of the sisters, who they found dead in another bedroom.

Prisoner accused of coordinating crime via video call

The subject is being held in the Central State Penitentiary (PCE) in Cuiabá. Apparently, He held a video call for almost three hours – the same amount of time that the sisters were tortured – to guide his accomplices on how to hurt the girls.

In the cell they found the cell phone that he had allegedly used for that purpose.

Initially, it was believed that the sisters’ murder was related to a kidnapping for ransom, since the criminals who held the four young people demanded money to release them alive.

However, there are two other hypotheses in the case. One has to do with Rayane’s political career and the other has to do with a photo the girls took of themselves making a gesture associated with a criminal faction, the Primeiro Comando de Capital (PCC).

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/ellas-eran-rayane-y-rithiele-hermanas-que-murieron-tras-secuestro-en-brasil-rg10

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