An incident that occurred in the Prati district of Rome has as its protagonist a 38-year-old thief, who He was arrested after he became distracted while reading a book in the middle of an attempted robbery.

The curious event began when The intruder climbed onto the balcony of an apartment, entered and, instead of continuing his misdeed, He was mesmerized by a book he found on a nightstand.

The thief was distracted by a book on Greek mythology

The book, called The gods at six o’clock by the author Giovanni Nucci, deals with Greek mythology and analyzes the Iliad from the point of view of the gods. The thief, unable to resist the literary temptation, lay down on the bed and immersed himself in reading, completely forgetting the reason for his presence in the house.

The homeowner, a 71-year-old man, He woke up hearing unusual noises and was in for a big surprise when she found a stranger engrossed in reading on her bed, according to local media.

Upon finding him, the man called the police, who arrived quickly and arrested the suspect, who was still focused on the book when the officers burst into the room.

During the arrest, the man claimed that he had mistaken the apartment for a hotel and that, upon seeing the book, he decided to relax and read for a while. However, Italian police found a bag full of designer clothes, stolen from another apartment that same night, which disproved his excuse.

The author of the book wants to give a copy to the thief

The incident caught the attention of author Giovanni Nucci himself, who expressed his surprise at what had happened.

“It’s a fantastic story,” Nucci told local media.

“I would love to give him the book so he can finish it,” The writer did not miss the opportunity to joke about the relationship between Hermes, the Greek god of thieves, and what happened.


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