On October 11, the community of Independencia, in Santiago de Chile, was shaken by the story of Gloria De Vicenzi, an elderly woman who suffered a violent robbery in her own home. His experience was not only shocking because of the criminal act, but also for the unusual way in which he decided to confront the thief: with a hug.

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In an interview with Expreso Bío Bío, Gloria recounted how four young people, apparently between 16 and 18 years old, They entered his home with their faces uncovered and wearing outfits that included baseball caps and dark sweatshirts. At the time of the intrusion, the grandmother was on the ground floor of her home with the youngest of the criminals, who was carrying a screwdriver in his hand. The tension was palpable, and the victim, feeling afraid for his physical safety, decided to act in an unconventional way.

The hug of the grandmother who confused the thief

In the midst of uncertainty and fear, Gloria chose to speak to the criminal in front of her. “I hugged him with all my soul,” he explained, highlighting that he spoke to him tenderly, asking him about his life and expressing his pain for what he was doing.

This act surprised the young man, who, overwhelmed by Gloria’s hug and words, dropped the screwdriver.

“I told him: ‘You’re just like my son. How can you be doing this?’” he recalled, as the criminal seemed taken aback by his reaction. Gloria asked him that, if he was going to hurt her, he should do it once and for all and not leave it “halfway”, since she lived alone and had no one to take care of her.

The assailant, shocked by the unexpected turn of the situation, assured him that he would not harm him, while his accomplices searched the house looking for money and valuables. “No, mommy, I’m not going to do anything to you,” the thief told her.

The woman was relieved to have at least one of them under control, but the real fear came from the others who were on the upper floor, wreaking havoc on his room.


The victim, Gloria De Vicenzi Salva, narrated the moment she experienced when the criminals broke into her home. “I was sitting at the dining room table when I heard a loud noise at the door. “I looked through the magic eye and saw that they were kicking her hard,” he said.

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It was a desperate moment for grandma.

Despite the atmosphere of violence, the woman managed to think calmly. In a moment of desperation, he threw himself on the ground in an attempt to hide. During this confusion, he managed to see his cell phone on the dining room table, but when trying to protect it, the thief took it despite his plea that he had valuable photos of his deceased grandson.

The situation became more chaotic when the woman finally saw an opportunity to escape. He quickly went to the back door and ran towards the house of his neighbor, Don Sergio, who, armed with a stick, came to his defense. and managed to confront one of the assailants who was waiting for him in a red car, presumably stolen.

The thieves did not stop in the face of Don Sergio’s resistance, and even attacked this man by throwing a ceramic ornament that they had in the house at him. leaving him with 16 points in his head. Meanwhile, the other thieves continued searching for valuable items inside Gloria’s house.

The woman only suffered a bruise on her forehead.

Despite the violent robbery, Gloria was grateful for being unharmed, highlighting that he only suffered a bruise on his forehead after the door hit when they tried to force it. “Thank God, I got it cheap,” he commented with a tone of resignation, recognizing that these young people come prepared for anything.

The grandmother reflected on her encounter with the criminal whom she hugged, feeling compassion for him. “I’m sure that no one has ever given him even a gesture of affection since he was born. “He felt lost and confused,” he said.

The woman also expressed her frustration at the increase in crime in the country, feeling deep helplessness due to the vulnerability of older people in her community. “We are living in a country where crime seems to be the norm, and that cannot continue,” he declared firmly, remembering previous experiences of being a victim of robbery in your life.

In addition to seeking to raise awareness about the security situation in his town, he shared his desire for his story to serve as a call to action to protect the elderly and the most vulnerable.

With a nostalgic tone, he also remembered his children, from whom he distanced himself due to family problems. “I want this message to reach them,” he said, lamenting the lack of contact and the emptiness in his life.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/ladron-robaba-a-una-abuelita-y-ella-lo-desarmo-con-un-abrazo-fue-con-toda-mi-alma-rg10

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