Samuel García, the governor of the state of Nuevo León, in Mexico, reported this Thursday, May 23, 2024, that the death toll rose to 9 and those hospitalized to 70 after the collapse of a temple during a campaign event in the capital , Monterrey, of the presidential candidate for the opposition Citizen Movement (MC), Jorge Álvarez Máynez, who was unharmed.

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“Update: 70 hospitalized, 9 deaths and 11 patients discharged… I ask God for a lot of strength for the families of the deceased and injured. We are with you,” García said on social network X.

Previously, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on the same social network, noted: “According to what Samuel García, governor of Nuevo León, who is at the scene of the events, informs me, four deaths and 15 injuries are reported.”

The stage that had been set up for the closing of the campaign of Lorenia Canavati, Citizen Movement candidate for Mayor of San Pedro, Nuevo León, practically collapsed at the closing of the campaign held at the El Obispo baseball fieldin the western area of ​​the municipality.

According to social media records, where the political event was broadcast, the accident occurred around 6:00 pm on Wednesday when a strong wind moved the stage.

In the images you can see the candidates Álvarez Máynez and Lorenia Canavati running from the stage, while the towers and the main screen on the stage collapsed.

Agents from the emergency corps and state Civil Protection and the municipality of San Pedro arrived at the scene to care for the injured.

“The members of my team who were injured are already being treated at the hospital. I am heading back to the scene of the events to accompany the victims,” ​​Álvarez Máynez wrote on the social network X.

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