After a video was published revealing that a plague of rats was flooding the financial center of Bogotáin the 72nd Street sector, citizens fear that rodents will multiply and that they will come to inhabit other areas of the Colombian capital.
>>> You may be interested in: They report that a plague of rats floods the financial center of Bogotá: shocking video
A few years ago the presence of a gigantic rat in New York went viral, which measured 1.2 meters, from the nose to the tip of the tail.
This is not the first time that a gigantic rat has been found in the Big Apple, since at the end of 2015, according to the Daily Star, it was found in the Lower East Side. a “bunch of giant rats” hanging from a scaffold.
Image: Jostarr537
What is the city that has the most rats?
In November 2023, the pest control company Orkin, with more than 120 years of experience, revealed a list of the cities that have the most rats in the United States.
In the top ten they classified: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Finland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Denver and Detroit.
For nine years, Chicago has ranked as the city most infested with rats.
What can a rat bite cause you?
Cleveland Clinic revealed that “Rat bite fever is a bacterial disease that is transmitted by infected rats or rodents, usually through a bite or scratch.”
Generally, those who are bitten by rats may suffer from headache, rash and fever. Some also end up with joint and muscle pain or swollen lymph nodes.
To treat these symptoms, it is necessary to start treatment that includes antibiotics.
>>> We recommend you read: What does the Bogotá Health Secretariat say about a litter of rats in the middle of 72nd Street?
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/esta-es-la-rata-mas-grande-encontrada-en-un-espacio-publico-mide-mas-de-1-metro-rg10