While the alert about the Russian threat grows, in Bucha, very close to the Ukrainian capital, the ghost of war is still very present. Yevhen is a boy who will turn 3 years old in a couple of months, just like the war.
“Yevjen was born on March 6 and on March 7, at 6 in the morning, there was already a “Russian tank outside the hospital”says Ludmyla Rodchenko, the child’s mother.
Ludmyla remembers that while she was going to the hospital to give birth she saw bodies of civilians scattered on the street covered in blankets. He also ensures that He never thought he would live through war, much less have his fourth child under missiles. Even so, she had to take her three-day-old baby and flee.
“There was nothing here, all the windows were blown out. Nine of us stayed here,” he says. Ludmyla.
(Read also: This is what is known about the new Russian hypersonic missile)
Today, almost forcing themselves, like many other Ukrainians, they seek some sense of normality.
Little Yevhen already knows how to identify some attack notifications
“When I get airstrike notifications on my phone, it tells me: ‘Mommy, I’m scared, I’m scared.’ When the signal that there is no danger sounds, he shouts: ‘There is no danger!’ I think he doesn’t fully understand what it means,” says Ludmyla.
For Yevhen, hiding from missiles is a game. Studying in bomb shelters is not abnormal at all, Well, that’s how his short life has passed.
There is only one message from a mother with a child from war: “I hope God wants this to end soon. I want my children to have a bright future. What kind of life is this? They just go to school and have to go straight to the basement. Yesterday at daycare, for example, the children always nap during the day, What if caregivers have to shake them awake, hastily putting clothes on them because they have to take them to the shelter? What kind of mental health will the children have? What peace of mind?” Yevhen concluded.
(Also read: Putin says he has the right to attack countries that give weapons to kyiv)
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/asi-es-la-vida-de-un-nino-ucraniano-de-casi-3-anos-en-medio-de-la-guerra-mami-tengo-miedo-rg10