A United States Navy aircraft carrier will arrive in Colombia at the end of June. This ship is considered one of the most powerful weapons today.

>>> You may be interested in: Powerful aircraft carrier that will arrive in Colombia is equipped with 50 combat aircraft

The head of the US Southern Command, General Laura Richardson, confirmed that the USS George Washington will arrive at the port of Buenaventura.

This aircraft carrier will come to Colombia to carry out maneuvers or training with the ships of the National Navy.

The importance of this announcement lies in the characteristics of the boat, which weighs 99,000 tons and is 333 meters longthat is, about four times the size of the Statue of Liberty.

This floating city is powered by two nuclear reactors that move 4 propellers, each weighing 30 tons.

Almost 5,000 crew members live on the aircraft carrier, about 3,000 sailors, from different specialties, and about 1,700 people dedicated to the aerial part, including pilots and flight personnel.

To make long journeys bearable, The ship’s crew has a gym, movie theaters, a supermarket and even a Starbucks.

The USS George Washington carries approximately 90 aircraft, one of the most powerful combat flotillas in the world.

Planes that can even rise vertically take off and land on the ship day and night. It also carries electronic warfare, early warning aircraft (which serve as radars) and helicopters.

As it is a floating airportthe people who work on the runway where aircraft land and take off perform one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

In 2006, Venezuela got angry

When there is a crisis of great magnitude somewhere on the planet, if possible, the first thing the United States does is send its aircraft carriers.

In 2006, this aircraft carrier sailed through the waters of the Caribbean Sea, near Cartagena, and Venezuela cried out to the sky. This time something similar could happen.

This vessel, considered one of the flagships of the United States Navy, will arrive in Colombia after visiting Argentina, Chile, Peru and Ecuador.

>>> See more: Powerful US aircraft carrier will arrive in Colombia for exercises with Military Forces

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/asi-es-el-poderoso-portaaviones-de-ee-uu-que-llegara-a-colombia-que-dira-venezuela-rg10

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