Following the announcement of the death of leader Hassan Nasrallah, thousands of people in Lebanon continue to resist the Israeli offensive. According to the latest report from the Lebanese government, in the last 10 days more than a thousand people have died and 6 thousand more have been injured.

>>> Hamas mourned the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and condemned Israeli aggression

In communication with Noticias Caracol live, Edwin Ostos Alfonso, Colombian ambassador to Lebanon, He expressed that there is evidently anxiety among Colombians who are in this Middle Eastern country due to the bombings.

Regarding the death of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah, the official noted that There is “surprise at the speed of the events, from the attacks on the beepers, then the massive bombings” and what follows “is a situation that we do not know, we do not know if Israel is going to continue with this form of attack against Lebanon, We don’t know, but we hope that peace can be something that can be achieved in the immediate term and that diplomacy will act.”

Humanitarian flight for Colombians in Lebanon

This Saturday morning, September 28, A humanitarian flight left Colombia that aims to repatriate 114 Colombians. It departed from CATAM, will arrive in the Dominican Republic, then Portugal, where it will request authorization to safely depart for Beirut, and will pass through Cyprus before reaching its destination.

>>> Who was Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader whom Israel claims to have killed?

The plane is also loaded with humanitarian aid, such as hygiene items and medical kits and food.

With the last registration we have made, we have dropped from 154 people who were interested in traveling. “In the face of these other people who suddenly cannot take the flight at this time, the embassy continues with all related efforts for protection,” the ambassador assured.

The official emphasized that he will remain there carrying out the diplomatic actions that correspond to him as head of the Embassy.

>>> Joe Biden on the death of Hassan Nasrallah: it is “a measure of justice for his victims”

More than 50 of the 114 Colombians who will be repatriated are minors. The humanitarian flight is expected to return next Tuesday morning.


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