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The month of November is in full swing and although this year the cold took a while to arrive, it is definitely here. To warm up, what’s better than a soup to combat the cold. That’s good since Norbert Tarayre shared his recipe for pumpkin velouté accompanied by toasted almond whipped cream on his YouTube account. It must be said that this vegetable is the star of winter so you might as well take advantage of it to cook it in all its forms. In addition, the chef explains that it is ideal “ to warm the heart, body and mind “. A formula with which we tend to agree. For a tasty soup, follow the steps!

The advantage of this recipe is that it requires very little equipment. This means that there won’t be a lot of washing up to do: it’s perfect if you want a pampering evening. It’s also a quick dish to make, in 30 minutes your soup will be ready and you can enjoy it under a nice blanket for example. There is just one detail to pay attention to, that of cooking the pumpkin. This is essential because it is what will make your dish successful. The flesh of the pumpkin should be tender and translucent when you check its cooking with a knife. You will enjoy !


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