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Generally for preparing homemade quiches, tarts or pies, puff pastry is the easiest and most effective solution for making the base of our recipe. We then buy it ready-made and in a few minutes, presto, everything is already ready. The problem ? Despite its practicality, puff pastry is not the best option.

Indeed, she is often rich, too rich. In addition, by adding eggs, cream, butter on top: we only make it heavier. As a result, it is very rich in saturated fatty acids, salt and lipids, which is not ideal for health. The magazine 60 million consumers also looked at the best alternative available in supermarkets. Fortunately, there are other alternatives that are just as effective but much lighter.

Precisely on Instagram, dietician-nutritionist Hanna Bensemhoun looked into the subject, explaining that if “To save time and for ease, we often tend to turn to industrial pasta bases, such as puff pastry. These are high in fat, sometimes contain additives and are not very filling!”. She therefore shared 4 ingredients that can perfectly replace industrial puff pastry and which are alternatives “healthy and tasty”.

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The first possibility is obviously to make your own homemade dough. The dietitian also shares her own recipe for a low-fat dough to make your recipes. The advantage? You will only need 4 ingredients that you probably have at home: 1 egg, 200 g of flour, 3 tbsp of oil, 4-5 tbsp of water, salt and pepper. Simply mix everything before spreading the dough in a mold and pre-cooking it for 10 to 12 minutes. You can then garnish it and cook.

While corn cakes are perfect for making tacos, you can also make many other recipes with them. In fact, they are a perfect replacement for puff pastry. To make the dough firm and thick, simply stack them on top of each other and then add your quiche maker before baking.

There is no better alternative, lighter and crispier than pastry sheets. To prepare them properly, don’t forget to stack your leaves and oil them with a brush every 4 to 5 leaves. Then you pour your mixture and hop in the oven.

Stack 3 to 4 buckwheat pancakes in a pie dish and it will do the trick to replace your industrial puff pastry. Turn on the device and place it in the oven.


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