The Sacred Monkey Forest, located in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, was the scene of an unfortunate tragedy that shocked locals and tourists alike. This iconic sanctuary, famous for its natural diversity and its ancient Hindu temples, experienced moments of panic when a gigantic tree fell
about a group of visitors, causing the death of two people and leaving another injured.

The incident occurred last Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at noon, on one of the roads near the Prajapati Temple, one of the most visited within this nature reserve. According to witnesses and recordings captured by the site’s security cameras and videos taken by other tourists, a loud crack alerted those present of the imminent fall of the tree. Although some managed to escape, the dimensions of the trunk and its leafy foliage prevented others from reacting in time, according to what can be seen in the video shared by the O Globo media.

Other tourists present at the scene shared photos of the tragic moment –

X: @ Bangsat_1999

(Also read: Motorcyclist died from falling from a tree)

Who were the tourists who died?

According to the local media Bali Post, the fatal victims were identified as Funny Justine Christine, a French citizen, and Kim Hyoeun, originally from South Korea. For her part, Lee Sunni, also from South Korea, suffered injuries in the accident, but was quickly transferred to Kenak Medika Hospital Ubud, where he received medical attention. According to medical reports, his condition is stable and he is out of danger.

For their part, local authorities have launched an investigation to determine the exact causes of the tree fall and evaluate whether preventative measures could be taken. It was also announced that thorough inspections will be carried out on all trees in the sanctuary to prevent future accidents. The victims’ families are coping with their loss and the sanctuary is working to ensure the safety of its visitors in the future.

Meanwhile, videos circulating on social networks and in the press show the exact moment in which tourists flee from death when the tree falls before their eyes. Unfortunately two tourists lost their lives in the incident that was captured by security cameras arranged in the sanctuary.

Why did the tree fall on the tourists?

According to statements by the general manager of the Monkey Forest, the intense rains and The strong winds recorded in the region in recent days have considerably weakened the vegetation, causing the fall of not only the tree that caused this tragedy, but also two others in the vicinity of the temple.. The Sacred Monkey Forest, known locally as Mandala Suci Wenara Wana, is one of Bali’s most iconic destinations. This sanctuary is not only famous for its lush vegetation, which includes more than 186 species of plants and trees, but also for its rich fauna, highlighting the hundreds of monkeys that inhabit its 12.5 hectares of surface.

Sacred Monkey Forest
This is the Sacred Monkey Forest, the place where the tourists died –

The manager expressed his regret for the incident and assured that the staff there acted immediately to care for those affected, while waiting for the arrival of emergency teams. Likewise, he highlighted that adverse weather conditions are seriously affecting the stability of the trees in the reserve, which represents a danger to visitors and staff working on site.

The place where the tourists died is known internationally for its spirituality and history; This is what attracts thousands of visitors every year. Among its main attractions are three ancient Hindu temples: Pura Dalem Agung, Pura Beji and Pura Prajapati, the latter located near the place where the accident occurred. In addition to being an important tourist center, the sanctuary has a spiritual meaning for the local community, which considers it a sacred space of connection with nature and ancestors.


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