On the evening of Sunday, August 25, 2024, The Colombian Geological Service (SGC) reported that a 3.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded in the Canton of San Pablo, Managrú, in the department of Chocó.

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This tremor had a shallow depth, less than 30 km, and occurred at about 11:15 p.m.

Earthquake in Panama was felt in Colombia

Hours later, the same entity reported that Another earthquake occurred very close to Colombia, this time in Boca Chica, Panama.

The quake, like the previous one, had a shallow depth and a magnitude of 5.8. It was felt in provinces close to the epicenter, such as Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro.

So far, no casualties or significant damage have been reported.

What to do during and after an earthquake?

  • Before evacuating your home, try to turn off the gas tap and lower the power switches.
  • Have an emergency kit ready with vital things that can help you survive, such as a radio, batteries, water, food, medicine, gauze, among other items.
  • Keep your shoes close to the exit and don’t waste time changing clothes. Wear only what is necessary.
  • Once outside the house, find the evacuation route and follow it, staying on the right side. Remember that staying calm and walking slowly but briskly will make a difference.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/temblor-en-colombia-fue-seguido-por-otro-de-5-8-en-panama-lo-sintio-rg10

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