A The decision, according to the North American press, comes after the congressman realized that he still does not have the necessary votes to obtain the position, which has been vacant since Republican Kevin McCarthy was removed from office on October 3rd due to a motion presented by the radical Matt Gaetz, party colleague.

Since January, Republicans have had the majority in the Lower House of Congress, with 221 seats, compared to 212 for Democrats.

Jordan needed 217 votes to become speaker of the House of Representatives, but in the first two votes that took place on Tuesday and Wednesday he obtained 200 and 199 votes, respectively, after around two dozen of his colleagues on the bench did not support him. have supported.

After verifying that it still did not have the minimum necessary support, the current president of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives decided not to move forward with a third vote today, according to The Washington Post.

Instead, the House will vote to give more temporary powers to the current interim leader, Conservative Patrick McHenry, appointed by McCarthy after being removed from office.

Until there is a new speaker, new resolutions or bills cannot be approved, at a time when budgets for the current fiscal year must be closed and when more aid for Ukraine or Israel is pending authorization, at least that granting McHenry more authority temporarily fills that gap.

Read Also: Trump ally fails election for House of Representatives again

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2423443/aliado-de-trump-suspende-candidatura-a-lider-camara-dos-representantes

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