Through the social network of X, the Senator of Florida Rick Scott announced that Richard Grenelll, appointed by the president of the United States, Donald Trump, as sent for special missions, will meet in the next few hours with Nicolás Maduro In Venezuela.

(Also read: Gustavo Petro and Nicolás Maduro announce border military cooperation, “in the fight against Eln”

Scott said in his message: “I hope that during today’s visit, the only thing on what Richard Grenelll focuses be in demand the return of kidnapped Americans, Ensure that Maduro returns to the thugs and the members of the gangs of our country, and finding a new country so that Maduro, Diosdado and all those involved in this murderous regime leave as soon as possible. ”

Although the objectives of Grenelll’s trip to Venezuela are not very clear, it is believed that in addition to the issue of American kidnapped in that country, the need for the need for the Venezuelan government receives migrants illegal deported from the United States.

In Venezuela there are Eight Americans as detaineesmost of them since 2024, according to various sources.

Meanwhile, the organization of exile in Miami Independent Venezuelan American Citizens (IVAC) has identified to “kidnapped” Americans in Venezuela Like Gregory David Werber, David Guttenberg Guillarme, Aaron Barrett Logan, Jonathan Pagán González, Wilbert Joseph Castaño, David Estrella, José Marcelo Vargas and Lucas Hunter (French-American-American).

On the side of the Maduro regime, there are a number of expectations in the matter of oil sanctions. However, it should be remembered that President Trump said he will probably not continue to buy oil from Venezuela, because they say they do not need it.

Another representative of the United States will visit Central America

The Secretary of State of the United States, Marco Rubio, starts this week in Panama a trip That he will also take him to El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, USed countries, with an agenda marked by migration, one of the priority affairs of President Donald Trump, and the threat of “recovering” the Panama Canal.

The Secretary of State plans to meet, on his trip between February 1 and 6, with the leaders of those countries to address, mainly, the migratory issue, seeking to “stop the illegal migration and a large scale,” as announced this Friday The State Department in a statement, after last week began the controversies and deportations against migrants in the United States.

It was also reported, as the objectives of the trip, that it will seek to “fight against the scourge of transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers, (and) counteract China.”

From Panama to the Dominican Republic

Rubio is expected to arrive in Panama on Saturday. Your visit is given in the middle of the Trump’s pole controversy to “recover” the channel Because of the alleged Chinese influence on the road, something that the Panamanian government denies, although Panamanian analysts such as Rodrigo Noriega believe that this trip could “lower the tension.”

Also, according to experts consulted by EFE, the Migration crisis in the dangerous jungle of the Darién, The natural border with Colombia that cross hundreds of migrants daily on their way to North America. The situation on the southern border of Panama has been stopped with harsh policies of the government of José Raúl Mulino, including return flights paid by the United States.

During his visit to El Salvador, the country “could pretend to negotiate a more benign treatment for Salvadoran migrants in the United States to Change of receiving migrants from other nationalities, including extracontinental “as Salvadoran Celia Medrano, a journalist and expert in migratory issues, told Efe.

Rubio will also travel to Costa Rica on a visit qualified by President Rodrigo Chaves as “excellent” and will serve to ratify the Central American country as a “strategic partner” of the American government.

In Guatemala, Rubio will meet for his part with President Bernardo Arévalo de León and Foreign Minister Carlos Martínez to talk about the joint strategic objectives, such as “the“ the Maintenance of democratic stabilityStrengthening of border security, immigration management and the deepening of government ties “, mainly according to official information.

It is expected that on February 5 and 6 Rubio closes in the Dominican Republic its tour of the region, to address the crisis in neighboring Haiti and migration to the United States, with about 2 million Dominicans in US territory.

Before the Complaints for alleged abuse of migrants when deported, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Caribbean country recognizes that although immigration policy is a sovereign right of states, there must be the full respect of the fundamental rights of the Dominicans.

Neither Honduras nor Nicaragua

Rubio, however, will not travel to Nicaragua or Honduras, both an obligatory step for passers -by around the world that are directed from South America to the United States, but also historical emitters of migrants, living in US territory more than one million Hondurans and Nicaraguans, among legal and undocumented residents.

Due to the massive deportations announced by Trump, the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, announced this week a OFFICIAL PROGRAM “Brother, return home” which will give returned migrants an economic bonus of 100 dollars, food and seed capital to implement enterprises worth $ 1,000.

He also warned that if Trump orders a massive deportation of Hondurans, the military base that the United States has in Honduras, for more than 40 years, would have no reason to exist, although although He has announced his disposition “to the constructive and friendly dialogue.”

These migratory deportations in the United States, after carrying out raids, have raised tensions between some countries like Colombia, which refused to receive airplanes because, they argued – migrants did not receive a “worthy” treatment.

In the midst of that “impasse”, surpassed by both countries, Castro had summoned an “urgent” meeting in “hybrid format” of presidents and heads of state of the community of Latin American and Caribbean states (CELAC) to discuss among others the migratory issue , which was finally canceled.

Regarding Nicaragua, Rubio has been emphatic since he was a senator against President Daniel Ortega, who has been in power in Nicaragua since 2007, pointing out that he has “Blood -stained hands” and that this government is a “criminal dictatorship that tortures political prisoners.”

The now secretary has criticized the lack of opposition and requested at the time the Organization of American States (OAS) Research on the violence of the protests of 2018, that left 352 dead, attributed to Ortega and the police forces.

The Nicaraguan opposition applauded for its part last November the designation of Rubio as Secretary of State, highlighting that it could be a key piece against the government of Sandinista Ortega by “knowing the dictators” (in reference to their Cuban origin).

“Marco Rubio knows the dictators, he knows what the ways of working are, he knows that they are not of warm cloths, but that we have to work hard, show strength to generate changes. So, obviously, the dictators of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, must be extremely worried, ”said, on the other hand, the Nicaraguan opponent leader denialized Juan Sebastián Chamorro.


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