A Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency of the United States has been marked by a widespread feeling of revenge against the Democratic Party, against Joe Biden, against the justice system and the judges who are trying him and against those who left him out of power after his defeat in 2020. Several experts have warned of the former president’s considerably more authoritarian tone in this election campaign – compared to 2016 and 2020 -, and Trump has done little to move away from that tone.

On Tuesday, during an open event promoted by Fox News in the state of Iowa – one of the main states in the race for the primaries of any party -, the former leader of the Republican Party, and the favorite for the White House nomination by conservatives, was asked if he will abuse his power if he returns to the presidency. Trump didn’t give Sean Hannity a comforting response.

Hannity, a host who has staunchly defended the former president and his policies on his shows over the years, asked if the millionaire “can promise America that he will never abuse power in retaliation against anyone.”

“Except on the first day”he responded.

Hannity asked for a more conclusive answer, amid applause from the businessman’s loyal followers, and Trump made clear what his priorities are. “I love this guy. He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ , I will not be a dictator”these.

When the presenter sought to clarify whether Trump had plans to “abuse power, evade the law and use the government to persecute people”, the former president used his most recurring fallacy, ‘whataboutism’, commenting whether, due to abuse of power , Hannity meant “what they are using now” (them as a reference to the Democratic Party, suggesting that their various court cases for voter fraud, insurgency and tax fraud are political persecution).

Throughout the program on Fox News – the ultra-conservative broadcaster known for favoring Donald Trump and the Republicans, and which has even had to pay huge damages due to disinformation content surrounding the 2020 elections – Trump also made some strange and inappropriate statements. foundation.

The candidate suggested that the campaign is going so well that he considers that there is a possibility of reaching 150 million votes (this despite the fact that, in 2020, 158 million Americans voted in total and Biden had 81 million, the best usual result). Trump also doubted the scientific consensus around climate change and the responsibility of human activity, as he already doubted when he was president; he said Joe Biden is “cognitively not well”; and started talking about Covid-19 in response to a question about the national debt.

Trump’s campaign for the 2024 elections continues to not generate the same enthusiasm as in 2016, or even in 2020, with a large percentage of undecided voters remaining fearful about a second term for the former president. However, Joe Biden’s popularity continues to fall, especially among young Democrats, who are increasingly dissatisfied and frustrated with the current president’s management of the situation in the Gaza Strip and unconditional support for Israel.

In the Republican Party, resistance to Donald Trump is increasingly tenuous and distant. Despite not having been present in any debate, the businessman is dozens of percentage points behind the remaining candidates, especially former ambassador Nikki Haley and governor Ron DeSantis, the main rivals in the primaries.

Read Also: Without Trump “I don’t know if I would run” in 2024, admits Biden

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2455695/trump-promete-que-nao-sera-um-ditador-exceto-no-primeiro-dia

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