O US presidential candidate Donald Trump ‘closed’ a complicated week for the country – due to the attack he was a victim of – by remembering an old ‘friend’.

At the Republican National Convention, which ended on Thursday, Trump was speaking when he referred to the current leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.

The North Korean leader is, along with others – including Trump – a controversial figure, given, for example, some statements regarding the use of nuclear weapons.

“I get along with him [Kim Jong-un]. He would also like to see me back. I think he misses me, if you ask me.”said Trump, who held personal meetings with the ruler during his presidency.

Trump and Jong-un even ‘measured powers’ and exchanged a few words regarding the use of nuclear weapons, both speaking about “buttons on their desks”.

Leader Kim Jong-un announced today, in his annual address to the nation, that North Korea completed its nuclear program in 2017 and the United States must recognize this reality.

Lusa | 06:50 – 01/01/2018

The ‘measurement of forces’ took place in 2018, when Donald Trump was president and responded to Kim Jong-un, when he spoke of having a nuclear button, in order to say that his arsenal was very large.

Trump took to social media to ask that his North Korean counterpart be informed that his secretary “also has a nuclear button, much larger and more powerful, and it works.”

Read Also: Zelensky and Trump scheduled to talk by phone today

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2601422/trump-diz-que-kim-jong-un-tem-saudades-acho-que-sente-a-minha-falta

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