A Swedish police have launched a criminal investigation after discovering the bodies of two people in a burnt-out car in the Fosie area of ​​Malmö, Sweden, on Sunday.

According to Sky News, at least one of the victims – allegedly British citizens – was reportedly shot dead.

Emergency services, who were called to respond to a vehicle fire, They only realized the presence of the bodies when they were already putting out the flames.at which point they noticed an alleged bullet wound in one of the victims.

According to records cited by Sky News, the pair had previously rented the Toyota Rav 4 that burned down at Copenhagen airport in Denmark.

Swedish police are interviewing witnesses and appealing to the public for information, with Interpol reportedly also involved.

“The two people who were found dead in a burnt-out car on Sunday have not yet been identified. The bodies are undergoing forensic examination. The incident is being investigated as a homicide.”Swedish police said in an official statement.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2599384/dois-britanicos-encontrados-mortos-dentro-de-carro-incendiado-na-suecia

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