On the afternoon of last Monday, July 29, 2024, An emergency occurred at Congonhas Airport in São Paulo, Brazil. Two planes with passengers inside ended up colliding on the runway.

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According to international media, The incident occurred on the runway that connects the hangar and terminal areas with the landing strip. An Airbus A319 of the multinational airline Latam ended up crashing into a Boeing 737 of the Brazilian airline Gol.

The latter was finishing boarding the passengers and preparing to begin its takeoff towards Florianópolis, while the Latam aircraft was transiting towards the gate after landing from Rio de Janeiro.

How did the plane crash in Brazil happen?

The accident occurred when the wingtip of the Airbus A319 collided with the tail of the other aircraft and ended up breaking a part of the Boeing 737.

Following the incident, at least two flights were cancelled while the emergency at the airport was dealt with.

The local airline’s plane was more damaged than the Boeing 737. Both aircraft were sent to maintenance for repairs, the two companies said.

Fortunately, The crash left no injuries or fatalities. Passengers on both planes disembarked unharmed.

In the case of Gol, passengers had to be reassigned to other aircraft and, in the case of Latam, direct impacts were seen with the cancellation of flights. LA3064 which covered the route from São Paulo Congonhas to Curitiba and LA3069 which went from Curitiba to São Paulo Congonhas.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/dos-aviones-chocaron-en-aeropuerto-de-sao-paulo-brasil-quedo-en-video-rg10

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