AJapanese authorities, who had identified Ampil as a “powerful typhoon”, said no major damage had been reported.

The storm was moving away from the east coast of Japan at 20 kilometers per hour (km/h) with sustained winds of 162 km/h, the Japanese meteorological agency said.

Tokyo and surrounding areas have returned to normal and high-speed trains, whose services had been interrupted between Tokyo and Nagoya (center), leaving thousands of passengers stranded, resumed services this morning (local time).

However, some local trains continued to experience delays and dozens of flights remained suspended.

Power, which had been cut off in more than 5,000 homes, has been restored except for about 250 homes in Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures, northeast of Tokyo, the utility company said.

The typhoon left signs, trees, bicycles and poles knocked down. Some beaches were still closed due to rough seas and strong winds.

However, authorities have warned the public about rising temperatures that often follow storms, predicting 38 degrees Celsius in the Tokyo region.

Read Also: “Very strong” typhoon expected in Tokyo region today

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2616616/tufao-ampil-afasta-se-do-japao-sem-ter-causado-grandes-danos

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