The authorities of California, United States, made an unusual rescue on the tracks of Madera County, when They stopped a man who was driving at high speeds and discovered that inside the vehicle he had a mono
spider from a few weeks old and drugs.
The events occurred on the night of December 30, 2024, when a Madera Police officer stopped a Rolls-Royce Ghost car north of 17th Avenue. The uniformed officer He asked him to stop because he was speeding.but later discovered that he was under the influence of alcohol.
(Read also: White-faced monkeys tied with chains on a terrace in Medellín were rescued)
The surprise was greater, because upon requisitioning it They found cannabis that, apparently, was intended for sale, as well as a one-month-old spider monkey.
“In California, it is illegal to keep primates as pets. The monkey was taken safely to Animal Control, where he will receive proper care. Next level monkey business!“said the authorities on their official Facebook page.
In the images, the captured person is seen holding the small primate, who was wearing what appears to be pink baby clothes. In others, the individual can be seen handcuffed and bags with cannabis on the front of the police car.
What happened to the monkey?
The driver, who was identified by the KSEE network as Ali Mused Adel Mohamed, 27, was taken to the county jail, where he faces several criminal charges, including possession of an exotic animal.
“The driver had a baby monkey attached to his body, or clinging to him. That’s something you don’t see every day.“, commented Sergio Moreno, a member of the police force, to the news report.
The monkey was placed at the disposal of the animal service, who, not having the food that the primate required, decided to give it common bananas during its first night rescued.
“This is not the place they should be. You know, we shouldn’t be taking care of these animals. They need to be in freedom, with nature, with their own species“said Amy Toler, director of the county’s animal services, who rejected the illegal possession of this type of beings.
On December 31, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife took possession of the monkey, which eventually He was taken to the Oakland Zoo to receive proper care.
(Also read: Mischievous monkey destroyed the motorcycle seat of the worker at a popular viewpoint: it was caught on video)
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/inesperado-hallazgo-lo-detuvieron-por-exceso-de-velocidad-y-le-encontraron-un-mono-bebe-rg10