Seriously now: What should you be mad at Olaf Scholz for? Like he believes himself? Believe in yourself? Believe in the rightness of his policy? Anyone who has ever come close to a leadership position, whether in politics or in a company, knows what the prerequisite for success is: First and foremost, stable self-confidence. And Scholz has that – one of the few things that are completely undisputed about him.

Scholz believes he is successful – he is more and more alone

And yet: Scholz is by no means successful. The Chancellor believes he is successful. However, he is more and more alone with this. Three out of four people do not believe that the Chancellor is in charge. This is a value that could hardly be more devastating. And from this arises the great contradiction of this owner of the guideline competence: autosuggestion is simply no substitute for real success.

It’s very simple: A car dealer who thinks his cars are great, but is largely alone with this euphoric assessment, will hardly sell a car. The market is simply stronger than the self-assessment of one of the market participants. Want to say: Without the self-confidence of the number one, everything is nothing. But if self-confidence is not backed by success, nothing is everything.

“I’m the one who sets the pace,” says Scholz about himself

Scholz constantly gives the impression that he is the strongest leader in Germany. Olaf – the one and only. When asked about his role, Scholz always answers undeterred, again in the ZDF summer interview on Sunday evening: “I’m the one who sets the pace.” Sorry, but that’s definitely not true. You can see that in the traffic light government’s biggest near-flop.

Scholz did not set the pace with the heating law, which made the majority of citizens despair of their government for the first time. Rather, he simply let his Vice Chancellor Habeck do it. And he just let his state secretary – the one with the relatives – do it. The result is well known: collective uncertainty. A government failure that is almost a work of art in its uniqueness. Why didn’t Scholz stop Habeck? Why did he let the FDP do this job? On top of that.

Even if the Germans think it’s right – it’s not what Scholz claims

The Chancellor handled the tank deliveries in exactly the same way. Leadership – none. The Americans had to go ahead with the promise to deliver their Abrams tanks before Scholz deigned to release the German Leopards. And this Hannemann-go-you-forward tactic is being repeated: Other countries – such as the British – have long been supplying Ukraine with cruise missiles. But Scholz wants to wait with a Taurus commitment until the Americans also deliver.

One can even find that correct. And we are assuming at this point that a majority of Germans will support the rather hesitant – Scholz calls it “responsible” – chancellor course. Only: It’s just not what Scholz claims: leadership.

The Germans are no longer taking away his leadership role from Scholz

The truth is: the majority of Germans simply do not accept the leadership role that Scholz claims for himself. A circumstance that also has consequences on the political playing field: the AfD has doubled its poll values ​​since Scholz and his traffic light troop took office. The rather clumsy attempt by the SPD and Greens to blame the AfD upswing on the CDU chairman Friedrich Merz does not bypass this finding.

In other words: If Scholz and Co. were as great as he says, why do so many people choose Alice Weidel and Co.?

Unfortunately, Scholz answers the only right question like a typical Scholz

ZDF presenter Theo Koll asked Scholz if it wasn’t time for an “Agenda 2030”. In view of the increasing bankruptcies, the unique German recession, the unchecked misery on the housing market, the uncontrolled record immigration, the only right question. And Scholz: Technocratically, the chancellor refers to the difference to the agenda of his predecessor Gerhard Schröder: Today there is not as high unemployment as there was then, rather there is a shortage of skilled workers. That was – unfortunately – a typical Scholz.

Of course, Schröder had different specific challenges than Scholz does today. But the basic problem of the two social-democratic chancellors is the same: Germany is failing and the welfare state cannot be financed in the long term. What kind of suppression artist does one have to be to flatly ignore this striking parallel?

Scholz suppresses and hides

Scholz suppresses problems, hides behind others – and does not decide from the beginning. As I said: You don’t have to do that as head of government either – but then you can’t claim it anyway. And if you do it anyway, credibility is gone. This is the downward spiral that Olaf Scholz has just maneuvered himself into.

Is he now in favor of an industrial electricity price, as advocated by Robert Habeck for energy-intensive industries, in order to stop their migration abroad? Or is he – along with the Liberals – against it because this would massively distort competition to the detriment of small and medium-sized businesses? Scholz says Germany could not subsidize electricity in the long run. But eventually it will be cheaper. It was a replica like from the hit parade: only the wind knows the answer.

Who believes in something like that, apart from Olaf Scholz?

Germany lacks 400,000 skilled immigrants per year. That’s why the Skilled Immigration Act was passed, says Scholz cheerfully. Seriously: Because of Scholzen’s immigration law, 400,000 engineers and technicians from Indonesia, Brazil and so on are supposed to come to Germany at once, to happily pay the highest taxes in the world, the highest energy prices, and on top of that to learn one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world? Who believes in something like that – apart from Olaf Scholz?

Believing in yourself – that is Olaf Scholz’s greatest strength. And at the same time his greatest weakness. Sometimes curse and blessing are very close together.


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