The US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, on Friday approved the reinstatement of the Restricted list of Cuba, a “blacklist” that veto certain transactions with companies under the control of -o that act for or on behalf of the services or personal military, intelligence or security Cubans that the chancellor crossed out of repressive.
His statement pointed out that he issued that list “to deny resources to the same branches of Cuban regime that oppress and monitor directly to the Cuban people while controlling large sectors of the country’s economy. “
Rubio stressed that in addition to putting the companies that were on that list until the last week of the administration of Democrat Joe Biden (2021-2025) again, they add Orbit, “A remittance processing company that operates for or on behalf of the Cuban military “.
“The State Department promotes the accountability of the Cuban regime to oppress its people and rejects the evil interference of Cuba in the Americas And around the world, “said his note.
“Promotes US National Security”: Mario Díaz-Balart
The Republican legislator Mario Díaz-Balart, Of Cuban origin, he considered in X that with the reinstatement and expansion of that list the new executive fulfills “his promise to support the freedom of the Cuban people, denying resources to their oppressors while promoting the National Security of the USA “.
Rubio’s message also expressed the support of Washington to “human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Cuban people” and demanded “the liberation of all unjustly detained political prisoners.”
“Our Embassy in Havana They are meeting with relatives of those unjustly detained, as well as dissidents, so that they know that USA He supports them unconditionally. We are firm in our commitment to the Cuban people and promote accountability by the actions of the Cuban regime “, held.
Rubio recalled that on January 20, in the early hours of the second term of Donald Trump, This last revoked his predecessor’s decision to draw Cuba of the American list of terrorism promoting states.
“The Cuban regime has long supported acts of international terrorism. We demand that you end your support for terrorism and stop providing food, housing and medical care for murderers, Foreign bomb manufacturers and kidnappers, while Cubans go hungry and lack access to basic medicines, “said the representative of US diplomacy.
The Trump administration added that it is also committed to the fact that US citizens “have the ability to establish private actions related to properties subject to confiscated trafficking by the Cuban regime. “
The office for Latin America of the State Department was in turn Cuba carried out by the previous government.
Cuba described as “provocative act” the decision of the USA.
The Government of Cuba rejected this Friday and described as a “provocative act” the decision announced by USA that reinstates and expands the restricted list that veto certain transactions with companies on the island.
“It is a new provocative act of those who resume control of the Cuba theme to promote irresponsible confrontation scenarios for purposes and results contrary to those proclaimed,” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez wrote on social networks.
He also said that the decisions announced by the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, are “deceitful pretexts with which unjustifiable”.
In his response to the new decision of the US government, Foreign People of Cuba “.
“Harden criminal measures against the Cuban people will cause greater deficiencies, separation and increase in emigration,” he said.
Rubio recalled that on January 20, in the early hours of the second term of Donald Trump, This last revoked his predecessor’s decision to draw Cuba from the American list of states promoting terrorism.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/estados-unidos-reinstaura-la-lista-restringida-de-cuba-que-limitaciones-impone-rg10