The United States issued an official statement on the elections in Venezuelawhich gave Nicolás Maduro the victory. Since the White House calls for full election results to be released.

>>> You may be interested in: Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez lead a large demonstration in Venezuela

“The United States has been closely following the Venezuelan presidential election that took place on Sunday, July 28, and the subsequent announcements by the Venezuelan National Electoral Council,” the White House said in the document.

US authorities reiterated their doubts about the results of the presidential elections in which Nicolás Maduro was re-elected.

“We continue to call on Venezuelan electoral authorities to publish complete, transparent and detailed election results, including by voting table. This is especially critical given that there are clear signs that the election results announced by Venezuela’s National Electoral Council do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people,” the White House said.

The United States also revealed that it is “reviewing other electoral data shared by civil society organizations and reports from international electoral observers.”

“The United States stands with the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people, including supporting their right to express their views freely and without retaliation,” the White House concluded.

Massive march in Caracas

Venezuelan opposition leaders Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez led a mass march in Caracas. They spoke to supporters in front of the United Nations headquarters in the capital.

“Many Venezuelans who once believed in Chavismo are now with us. There can be no aggression between citizens, what we are fighting is the fraud of the regime, we cannot attack police, military, or anyone. We all defend ourselves, we organize ourselves. Today we send a message to those institutions: you know what happened, you witnessed it at every voting center.“, Machado said.

According to the leader, “The citizens saw with their own eyes the triumph of a country over a tyranny. Today we send you this message, your duty is to defend popular sovereignty and defend the people of Venezuela.”.

The words of María Corina Machado were applauded by hundreds of people who gathered there to listen to her and Edmundo González.

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