Don’t you know the vanilla bean? Did you know that the plant that produces the fava, has the orchid flower? Fava is a pod of the plant, it is the fruit of it.

Once you know everything about vanilla bean and use it, you will notice the huge difference that uses it and when using industrialized product such as essence (a synthetic product) and vanilla sugar (artificially flavored).

To use the final product which is vanilla bean, the pod of the plant goes through several steps from cultivation to (pod dehydration) Fava ripening.

Vanilla is the second most expensive condiment in the world, the first, the true saffron.

In the bean there is percentage of vanillin which is the main substance responsible for the sweet aroma and vanilla flavor that pleases everyone.

We found in commerce: bean, vanilla extract, artificial essence and vanilla sugar or vanilla sugar.

Vanilla aromatizes many recipes especially sweets but know that vanilla is not sweet. Vanilla can also be used in salty dishes.

How to buy vanilla bean

Fava can be found at home/culinary products stores for confectionery, can be purchased over the internet (free market) or even buy at the municipal market of your city.

In stores it is common to find the bean in small glass tubes or vacuum packaging.

Single: Choose very dark color beans, no cracks and mold signal.

How to keep vanilla bean

It is important that keep the beans protected, in a dry and dark place. Consider vanilla beans, the jewelry of your kitchen. You can store them in a closed wooden box or dark glass with a tightly closed lid.

Vanilla Fava Recipe - How to buy, use and store - Fotolia_46125121_XS_ZPSCB92A38EDifference between vanilla extract and vanilla essence

They are totally different products. The extract is done with the bean and the essence is a synthetic product, so artificial and vanilla has nothing. This product is very cheap but infinitely inferior.

Once you use the extract or sugar prepared with vanilla bean, you will notice the huge difference you will make in your culinary dishes.

How to use vanilla bean

With the aid of a knife, cut the bean in half longitudinally and, with the same knife, scrap the bean without much pressure removing its tiny seeds.

The seeds can be used in puddings, flans, cake pasta, creams and all recipes that ask for vanilla.

Do not throw away the empty bean; You can use to make vanilla sugar.

Vanilla sugar is great for sweetening, making cakes, cookies, creams, sweets, etc.

Smooth vanilla sugar

For each kg of sugar, you can place an empty vanilla bean. Leave in closed pot for at least 15 days before using it. Use to sweeten, teas, juices, sweets, etc.

Vanilla Fava Recipe - How to buy, use and store - Fotolia_50094312_XS_ZPS724BA2DCThe real vanilla sugar

Triturate in a blender, a vanilla bean with 500 grams of sugar. Sift and grind again until you get a large sugar of the bean. Store in a closed container. This is the real vanilla sugar or vanilla sugar!

Natural Homemade Vanilla Extract

Ingredients and Accessories

  • 3 vanilla beans
  • 300 ml of vodka
  • Glass
  • Funnel

Preparation mode

  1. Sanitize the chosen glass sterilizing it.
  2. With the help of a very sharp knife, open the beans only on one side, leaving the seeds exposed to vodka.
  3. Put the beans inside the glass.
  4. Add good quality vodka.
  5. After the closed bottle, shake the bottle.
  6. Place in a dry, airy and dark place.
  7. Leave it for at least 3 months before using it.
  8. At that time, shake from time to time, the bottle. If possible, once a day.

Mother Tips

The chosen bottle lid cannot allow the entry or exit of air.
The more favas use, the stronger the extract will be.

Vodka is recommended for being a drink that makes less flavor because it is more neutral. The cachaça/brandy will leave your extract with sugar cane.
It is important to respect the maceration time of the extract.

The beans we buy in commerce usually come with expiration date on the packaging. If you buy them without expiration date, you can store them in a dry and airy place for up to a year and a half or two years if you put them in a vacuum.

Approximate validity of the ready extract is over 1 year.
If you use the extract a lot, it is ideal to produce several extracts with time spacing. While you are using one that is ready, the other will be macerating.

When making your extract, the bean may be with or without the seeds. The extract will acquire the flavor of vanilla of the beans.
You can go using the extract and completing with more vodka. In this case, every 6 months, change the statement of the extract.


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