Venezuelan authorities have arrested three US citizens, two Spaniards and a Czech accused of being linked to an alleged plot to “destabilize” the country, announced the Chavista regime on Saturday, September 14, which also reported that it seized 400 rifles from the United States.

>>> See more: “We will not allow any interventionist action” from Spain, says Venezuelan foreign minister

Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello said at a press conference that the foreigners arrested are involved in “terrorist” plans that included attempting to kill Maduro and destabilise the country, following the elections of July 28 in which the president was proclaimed re-elected amid allegations of fraud.

Who are the Spaniards detained in Venezuela?

“Two Spanish citizens were recently arrested in Puerto Ayacucho (Amazonas, south), José María Basua and Andrés Martínez Adasme”reported Cabello, who pointed out “links” between these individuals and the National Intelligence Center of Spain.

“They speak of active participation, that they are part of a contingent of mercenaries from the Spanish Government, through its intelligence headquarters, to attack the country,” continued the minister, number two of Chavismo.

Who are the Americans captured in Venezuela?

Cabello also announced the arrests of three Americans: Wilbert Josep Castañeda, an “active military man” from the United States, identified by the minister as the “chief” of the plan, Estrella David and Aaron Barren Logan.

Last week, the United States announced that a citizen of its country had been detained, without providing further details.

Tense relations between Venezuela, Spain and the US

The arrests come amid heightened diplomatic tensions between Caracas and the governments of Spain and the United States. They demand that the voting records be published following allegations of fraud by the opposition, which claims victory for its candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

Tensions between Madrid and Caracas have increased in recent days after González Urrutia arrived in Spain to request asylum after a month in hiding in his country. And after the comment by the Spanish Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, who called Maduro’s government a “dictatorship.”

In response, Venezuela has recalled its ambassador in Madrid and summoned the Spanish ambassador in Caracas to protest questions about Maduro’s re-election.

The head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, met this week at La Moncloa with González Urrutia.

Sánchez does not recognize Maduro’s victory, nor that of his rival. He has insisted, in line with the position of the European Union, on demanding the publication of the electoral minutes.

Washington, which recognises the opposition’s victory, announced this week sanctions against 16 Venezuelan officials, including the president of the Supreme Court, for the “electoral fraud” of 28 July. Venezuela welcomed the attack as an “aggression” against Venezuela and Maduro decorated four military officers targeted by the sanctions.

>>> In context: US imposes sanctions on Venezuelan officials, including the president of the TSJ

400 rifles were seized by Venezuela

Cabello linked the alleged plans to “attack” Venezuela to intelligence centers in Spain, the United States, and opposition leader María Corina Machado and other leaders.

“They have contacted French mercenaries, they have contacted mercenaries from Eastern Europe and they are in an operation to try to attack our country”Cabello added, demanding explanations from Madrid and Washington.

According to Diosdado Cabello, all the detainees are confessing.

The minister also reported on the seizure of “more than 400 rifles” that were “for terrorist acts” promoted by “political sectors.”

“We even know that the United States Government is linked to this operation”he assured.

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