Videos recorded by Venezuelan citizens would demonstrate that in the Bolivarian country Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group are present. The images show them shooting at citizens.

>>> See more: Are Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group present in Venezuela? This is what Zelensky says

What are the Russian mercenaries in Venezuela like?

One shot shows a Venezuelan regime official giving instructions to the National Guard to protect a statue of the late former president Hugo Chávez.

When the person who is recording turns around he runs into a soldier who wears a uniform different from that of the Venezuelan military. Zooming in on the video, a military patch can be seen on the uniformed man’s shoulder. It is the Wagner Group patch, an insignia that experts say identifies one of the famous Russian mercenary groups.

Another recording, revealed by the Reacción Nacional portal, It shows a soldier, with a uniform different from that of Venezuelan soldiers, giving instructions.

The alleged foreign soldier, apparently belonging to the Wagner group, tells the so-called collectives to take action during a demonstration, according to the people who recorded the images.

Ukrainian President spoke about Russian mercenaries in Venezuela

The reaction of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was one of repudiation: “Worrying reports of Russian Wagner mercenaries seen in Venezuela alongside government forces. Wherever these thugs go they bring death and despair.”

The Ukrainian president also said that “it is a clear example of shameless Russian interference in the internal affairs of other countries, as well as its usual strategy of sowing chaos around the world.”

Finally, Zelensky said that “we condemn the use of force against peaceful protesters and urge everyone to respect the decision of the people. True leaders do not hide from their own people behind the backs of mercenaries.”

Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro celebrated the 87th anniversary of the Venezuelan National Guard in an unusual way. With General Vladimir Padrino López at his side, he confirmed his mission: to destroy all protesters.

“We are facing, in the streets of Venezuela, a cyber-fascist and criminal coup d’état. I have no doubts, Mr. General, in calling it that,” said the leader of the regime.

And a portal, UHN Plus, also published a video in which a Venezuelan soldier enters a house to arrest a citizen who participated in the María Corina Machado demonstrations under the pretext of applying the hate law.

The uniformed man did not have any order from the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office, but that he only had a recording in which the citizen is seen next to a political leader. That was his justification.

The officer even threatened to arrest more members of the family. In the end, he took the man away in a van.

Although there is no official data on the number of people killed in the riots, gruesome images of men in a military vehicle were revealed, The naked bodies of at least six people were taken to the Forensic Medicine Department in Caracas. One of the officials complained and said that they were expecting more.

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